Friday, February 25, 2011

Thursday, 3rd Feb 2011 - Breakfast and Lunch

Gong Xi Gong Xi! Gong Xi Da Jia Fa Da Cai! Today is the first day of Chinese New Year! : ) I have prepared a burger-like breakfast and Korean New Year rice cake soup for lunch!

I put in fried eggs and lettuces with mayonnaise and my hubby loved it! 마니마니 먹어요!

Rice cake soup (Which took me more than an hour to prepare. That shows how delicate Korean cuisine can be!), bulgogi as the main ban-chan, home-made black bean & shredded raddish, kim-chi and sambal broccoli as the base ban-chan. (I know this dish does not match with the traditional Korean food however, this is my hubby's favorite dish!)

After lunch we went to my parents' place to get "ang pow" and "lou hei" then off to the home of Alfred, one of my closes friends, for "lou hei" again! : ) Fatt Ah!

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