Monday, May 2, 2011

Wednesday, 27th Apr 2011 - Full Meals

Tonight Obba will be leaving for Korea. I prepared abalone porridge for his breakfast.

Thai Basil Chicken for lunch.

Fried rice using all the leftover ingredients from Viet wrap for dinner.

Bye bye Obba. See you next week!

Tuesday, 26th Apr 2011 - Lunch, Snacks and Supper

Obba insurance agent came to visit him this morning so we have to skipped our breakfast. And we had Vietnamese wrap for lunch.

Deep fried squid and prawn balls before Obba's tennis.

Instant noodles after Obba's tennis.

Monday, 25th Apr 2011 - Full Meals

Cereal in chocolate milk for breakfast.

Prawn bulgogi and Chinese style salted veg fried eggs for lunch.

Fries before tennis.

Smoked pork belly spaghetti and wine after tennis.

Sunday, 24th Apr 2011 - Brunch & Dinner

It has been awhile we went for Dim Sum. We went to East Ocean Chinese Restaurant at Shaw in Scotts Road. We like the food and service there, everyone is very efficient you dont see this kind of service in general nowadays.  After our brunch Obba bought CDs again and this time I bought one too! It's Sam Hui's album. I am not very generous in buying CDs, I like a lot of singers but I rarely buy their albums. Obba made a remark that he felt tired shopping with me hehe..

And dinner, we had the leftover fish from Garuda and the chilies! 

Saturday, 23rd Apr 2011 - Dinner

Saturday is Garuda day! After today we wont be there for 2 weeks. Obba will be going back to Korea first and I will join him later for Father-in-law 49days ceremony.

After our brunch, Obba wanted to go to Suntec for shopping. It has been quite awhile we have not been there. We went for Hagen Daz and I had Monte Carlo and Obba had coffee. After that we to City Link and Obba bought lot of CDs. I am glad he is happy and I think he wants to visit more places before we move to Sydney. Anyway, we had a great time! :)

Kimchi pancake for dinner.

Friday, 22nd Apr 2011- Brunch & Dinner

Today is Good Friday.

We went to Plaza Singapura for brunch. This is another Obba's favorite. This eatery serves Australian's style menu. Both of us had big breakfast and Obba had black pepper sausage and I had Italian spicy sausage.

As for dinner, I prepared cabbage and prawn with osyter sauce.

Thursday, 21st Apr 2011 - Full Meals

French toasts this morning.

Sambal baby kailan with squids for lunch.

My meatball spaghetti with rocket salad and red wine for dinner. This was my first try ever since we moved to this unit. We love it! However, the picture doesnt look very tasty due to the lighting and health concern. ( I dont like it to be too oily)