Sunday, November 7, 2010

Friday, 5th Nov 2010 - Lunch and Dinner

All right it is time to wake up and get going! Thunder storms and lightening outside and will I get strikes while driving on the highway? I am not going to get myself into trouble on a public holiday (Deepavali). But what to do? I promised my parents that I would drive them there. It did not take too long for us to see the doctor and I managed to get home to prepare lunch for my husband. We had 순두부찌개 (spicy soft tofu stew), 제육볶음 (stir-fried pork) as the main ban-chan, and the other ban-chan I made grilled oyster mushroom, 오이 kimchi, 깍뚜기 kimchi, and kimchi. Enjoy, Obba!

I remember I mentioned before that I needed to prepare lots of food marination after my grocery shopping. Marinating is one of the things I like about Korean food because most of the marinated food can be kept for a longer time so I can use my free time to complete other tasks. The dinner we had was 북엇국 (dried pollack soup), which was my first time making it and it tasted fab! It uses simple ingredients, and Koreans believe that it helps to protect the liver especially after drinking alcohol! As for ban-chan, we had almost the same things as lunch and I served my home-made 오징어젓 (pickled squid), it was my first attempt too. The squids were good except it would have been better if it was less salty.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice Korean meals we had today! Pollack soup was classic, and look at the variety of kimchi we had at one meal - 오이 kimchi, 깍뚜기 kimchi, and kimchi!

    I'm really impressed ewa can make pickled squid herself.. I never thought it would be possible for anyone to make it at home!
