Saturday, February 26, 2011

Friday, 11th Feb 2011 - Breakfast

This morning we are sending our car to the service center at Queenstown. We leave after breakfast and we will be staying in town for the whole day : (

Assorted toasts and yogurt with coffee  : )

In the  afternoon, we went to Tanjong Pagar, International Plaza for lunch. My hubby likes the sambal kang kong (water spinach) in on of the restaurant and the plus point is that the lady boss speaks a bit of Korean! : )

After lunch we went to the service center and the place was quite spacious and quiet it will be the best place for us to do our work with free drinks an biscuits!

We head to my parent's place after we collected our car and had vegetable burger from "Botak Jones" at the nearby coffee shop.

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