Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wednesday, 16th Feb 2011 - Breakfast and Lunch

Breakfast - mini burger-like stuff with fried eggs, lettuces and salmon with coffee yumyum! :p

After breakfast I have to prepare for my hubby's lunch as I will be out to my another close friend, Nora Sayang's new apartment. I was in the hurry and forgotten to take picture of it and I have prepare fried rice again ! : P Obba, 마니마니먹어요!

I had a good lunch at my friend's place and then we head to pick up one of her daughters from school to Parkway Parade and then had coffee and head to pick up her another daughter from school and back to Parkway and we went for foot reflexology. By the time we finished, Nora went home with the kids and my Obba came and had dinner with me after the grocery shopping.

What a tired day! I have not been going out for so long.. the longest I am out will be at my parent's parent's place. I missed My kittens..

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